Cloud-based Vs. Web-based Applications: A Detailed Comparison of Features & Key Aspects

Varun Hacker Noon profile picture


I’m a tech blogger working for PixelCrayons which is a leading software development company in India

The cutthroat market competition made the businesses choose the right technology and develop something new, innovative, plus profitable. Whether your company has a local, national, or global reach, easy communication is system is more important than ever. It applies to both your clients as well as your employees.

Enterprises are developing a robust application with the right technology to boost communication by understanding the importance of communication. They have to choose between cloud and web-based applications to make this possible, which is tough.

According to an online survey, 82% of the workload will reside on the cloud. Even 81% of enterprises have already claimed to have laid out a multi-cloud strategy.


Though, these stats are not enough to choose between cloud and web-based applications. Better to consider a detailed guide and know every aspect, then come up with a decision and hire app developer.

Below, we’ll spell out the significant differences between cloud-based and web-based applications.

A Major Overview of Cloud-based and Web-based Applications:

Before jumping onto the details, it is essential to know the fundamental differences between cloud-based and web-based applications.

According to Wikipedia,  A cloud application typically runs on the internet using a web browser while interacting with specific cloud software like an email client or office suite. It helps businesses connect with customers and control information flow within an organization.


A web application resides on a web server and uses a web browser to deliver its user interface. In many cases, these applications are written in PHP, ASP.NET, JavaServer Pages (JSP), or ColdFusion.

Cloud App Vs. Web App- Detailed Comparison

Now that you know the basics, let’s move on to the detailed comparison guide to know what is best for your business. So, let’s begin the war of web app vs cloud app.

1. Access-Which has better access, cloud-based or web-based applications?


Cloud-based apps can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. You don’t have to worry about installing any software on your device. All you need for access is a web browser and username/password.

Web-based applications are typically installed on the company’s server and can only be accessed by employees within the company network.

Winner- Cloud

2. Type-What type of applications are cloud-based and web-based?

Cloud-based apps are software that runs on the cloud or the internet. They are also referred to as SAAS apps or software as a service.

Web-based apps run on a web server, and every user, including the administrator, must be connected to the internet to access them. All these applications reside on one machine and don’t have a physical distribution. 

Winner- Cloud

3. Location-Where do cloud-based and web-based applications reside?


Cloud-based applications are hosted on the provider’s servers, which could be anywhere in the world. You don’t have to worry about installing any software on your device. 

Web-based applications are typically installed on the company’s server and can only be accessed by employees within the company network. They usually reside behind the firewall and can only be accessed from inside its network.

Winner- Cloud

4. Scalability-How scalable is the cloud-based and web-based application?

Cloud-based applications are highly scalable as they can be easily scaled by providing more resources. You don’t have to worry about infrastructure or capacity planning.

Web-based applications are not as scalable as cloud-based apps because they can only scale up on a single machine on which it is installed. You cannot access the software if you lose the connection between your computer and the webserver, whereas cloud apps can be accessed even on any device with an internet connection.

Winner- Cloud

5. Availability-When it comes to availability, which app has better uptime?

Cloud-based apps have better uptime as they reside on many servers, and thus, they continue to work even if any server goes down.

Web-based applications are not as reliable as cloud-based apps because they reside on a single machine. If that machine goes offline, so makes the application.

Winner- Cloud

6. Storage-How much storage space do cloud-based and web-based applications have?


Cloud-based applications come with a predefined amount of storage space, increasing if needed. You can also choose the storage space in one of three tiers based on your requirements.

Web-based applications have a limited storage capacity, which is usually not upgraded. You can, however, make it work if the application is hosted on cloud servers.

Winner- Cloud

7. Versioning: Which app has better updates, cloud or web?

Version control means you can manage files and folders on the server to make sure they are always backed up, or you can restore them in case of any mishaps.

Cloud-based applications come with better version control as they offer Git integration, which is a powerful tool for managing different versions of files.

Web-based applications do not have good version control and rely on external backup tools to manage their files. They also do not come with Git integration.

Winner- Cloud

8. Security-How safe is cloud-based and web-based applications?

Cloud-based applications are more secure as they come with built-in security features like firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and malware protection. They also use SSL/TLS for data encryption.

Web-based applications are not as secure as cloud-based apps because they rely on security measures. If the company’s security is weak, the web-based app is also weak.

Winner- Cloud

9. Pricing-How much does cloud-based and web-based applications cost?


Cloud-based applications are subscription-based, and the pricing is usually transparent. It provides different pricing options for small, medium, and large businesses. 

Web-based applications are one-time purchases and do not have any recurring charges. The pricing is usually cheaper for small businesses.

10. Ease of Use-How easy is it to use cloud-based and web-based applications?


Cloud-based applications are easy to use because they have a user-friendly interface. You don’t need any technical expertise to use them.

Web-based applications are not as easy to use as cloud-based apps because many may find them complicated to understand. You will need technical assistance to configure and maintain them.

Winner- Cloud

11. Popularity-Which application is more popular- cloud-based or web-based?

Cloud-based applications are more popular because they are easier to use and have better security features. They are also subscription-based, so businesses know how much they will spend every month. 

Web-based applications are becoming unpopular because they are not as user-friendly as their cloud-based counterparts. These apps are also one-time purchases, so businesses may end up spending more in the long run.

Winner- Cloud

13. Collaboration: What kind of collaborative features come with cloud-based and web-based applications?

Cloud-based applications offer more collaboration features than web-based apps because they are user-friendly and come with various features. They include chat, video conferencing, and file sharing.

Web-based applications do not offer as many collaboration features as cloud-based apps because they are complicated to use and lack certain features. They include chat and file sharing.

Winner- Cloud

14. API: Do cloud and web applications have an API? If yes, what kind?

Cloud-based applications offer an API that allows you to access and manage your files from anywhere in the world. It also comes with Git integration for version control.

Web-based applications do not offer an API, which means you cannot access or manage your files from anywhere in the world. You also cannot use Git integration for version control.

Winner- Cloud

15. Customizability: How customizable are cloud-based and web-based applications?

Cloud-based applications are more customizable than web-based apps because you can customize their security and other features.

Web-based apps are not as customizable as cloud-based applications because they do not offer many features. They also lack customization capabilities.

Winner- Cloud

So, which is better between cloud and web apps?

Cloud apps offer better support to companies as they use all cloud-based services like storage, computing power, security, and version control. Web apps are more suited for smaller teams with limited budgets. Cloud-based applications also come with free trials to test before using them on a production level.

Web apps are more limited in features when compared to cloud-based apps and are not as reliable. They also come with a certain amount of storage that is usually not upgradable. But, If you are looking for a low-cost option, then web apps are a better choice.

So, it all boils down to what you need your app to do. Always look for your requirements first, and then choose the type of app you want. 

Closing Thoughts

Cloud-based applications offer more features and are more reliable than web-based applications. They are also easy to use and come with a user-friendly interface. If you are looking for a full-fledged application to support your business, go with a cloud-based app.

For better assistance, you can also connect with the best mobile app development company in India. They will help you in the entire process of choosing and developing an app according to your needs.

Good Luck!

by Varun @vb2.I’m a tech blogger working for PixelCrayons which is a leading software development company in India

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Cloud-based Vs. Web-based Applications: A Detailed Comparison of Features & Key Aspects
Source: Pinay Tube PH

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