The Living Metaverse

He has moved seamlessly between worlds and platforms. He has had great adventures. He has had quiet nights. He has learned. He has worked. He has met so many new friends. He has loved. This is his life. This is metaverse living in a time not far from now.

Black Cloud Rising Hacker Noon profile picture

@blackcloudrisingBlack Cloud Rising

Burgeoning crypto, nft, and virtual land investor and enthusiast.

A boy feels the misty, ocean breeze against his face as he looks out across the ocean and watches his friend’s boat disappear into the horizon. He will see her again tomorrow.

When he turns to depart, after but a few steps, he’s amidst a carnival, where his sister and her friends find him and ask that he join them for some rides and games. But he’s feeling he would like a quieter evening and
leaves them to their reveling. As he continues walking, he passes a
Tilt-o-Whirl ride in action with screaming participants abound and then a
series of game booths with attendants asking him to “try your luck?” at knocking over milk bottles or shooting a basketball.

Soon he is past the carnival and finds himself in a moody, dimly lit room with a mellow jazz band on a stage. “This is good,” he thinks and takes a seat. He scans the sparse crowd and sees everyone fixated on the stage. On stage he sees several larger-than-life, colorful avatars with instruments in their hands and mouths. He stays for a few songs and then is on his way.

On the rest of his journey he encounters a collection of drag racers in one land, a brilliantly luminous meteor shower in another, then a sailboat regalia off the shores of virtual Australia, amongst other scenes, until he reaches his own space.

At “home” he’s on a simple farm. A picturesque green field. A large barn with chickens, pigs, cows, et al roaming. And, of course, a flamboyance of flamingos on the barn’s roof because . . . why not?

Once he’s tired and ready to call it a day he removes his glasses and body suit – back to the original world, at least until school starts in the morning.

He has moved seamlessly between worlds and platforms. He has had great adventures. He has had quiet nights. He has learned. He has worked. He has met so many new friends. He has loved.

This is his life. This is metaverse living in a time not far from now.

This article is part of The Gaming Metaverse Writing Contest hosted by HackerNoon in partnership with The Sandbox.

Submit your #gaming-metaverse story today for your chance to win up to $2000.


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The Living Metaverse
Source: Pinay Tube PH

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