Choosing a Nearshore Development Partner

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Staff Augmentation & Software Outsourcing.

Demand for software is at an all-time high and growing every year, putting pressure on organizations to innovate with functional, reliable applications that deliver on business objectives.

While traditional offshoring to Asia or Eastern Europe has always been lauded for its cheap labor, for companies that practice agile, or require better collaboration, communication, and a higher level of engagement, the advantages of nearshore outsourcing are clear.

Nearshore outsourcing is getting work or services done by agencies located in countries near you. For example, American businesses can decide to outsource their work to Colombia, Argentina, or Uruguay.

In a world where iteration is the key to gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage and improving efficacy, Agile development offshoring can struggle to meet the clients’ needs. Waiting until morning for delivery from a vendor can cause delays when garnering requirement clarifications and addressing blockers.

Nearshore software outsourcing offers companies the opportunity to work with a partner that can effectively optimize their software development methodologies, while simultaneously creating a positive impact that allows them to keep evolving.

The ‘nearshoring’ model allows companies to access the right technical skills, save time, and cut costs. It also lets them stay focused on other projects. In most cases, the work culture, time zones, and languages overlap. These elements make it easy for the client team to collaborate with the nearshore outsourcing company.

How to Find a Nearshore Development Team

When you’re looking to outsource a project, the number of options can be overwhelming. But where do you start? How do you discern who would make a trustworthy software partner? And how do you narrow down your choices to decide who is worth contacting? We have a few tips to share as you begin your search.


Where to Look

Get a recommendation: There’s nothing like a great recommendation from a reliable source. Take advantage of your LinkedIn network and don’t be shy about asking former colleagues who may have experience with outsourcing web or mobile development. An honest opinion can go a long way, even if it’s a warning of who not to work with. 

Check for Online Reviews: Online directories are an invaluable resource for anyone looking for a web or mobile development agency. You can get a sense of what it’s like to work with a company in addition to knowledge of their range of experience.

Post your Project on a Hiring Platform: There are also trustworthy websites where you can post the needs and goals of your project and allow different companies to “bid” to work with you by submitting their proposal and offer of services. This can be a good option when you have a clearly defined project.

Technology Matters

When you’re looking for a nearshore software development company, it’s important to take a close look at their portfolio and the technologies they work with. 

Be wary of boutique software development firms that claim to be experts in every technology and programming language, as it’s unlikely they have extensive experience in everything. 

You are better off looking for a company that focuses on only a few programming languages and technologies, as their developers are more likely to have true expertise in them. 

The technologies your software partner specializes in will have a great impact on project costs. The largest part of your development budget will go towards developers’ salaries, and experts in different programming languages have different hourly rates. 

Tips for Choosing A Nearshore Development Partner

Choosing a great nearshore software development partner can be daunting, as there are so many options to choose from and many considerations to be made during the selection process.

This checklist includes the essential tasks that will help single out the most compatible, professional, and reliable potential partner.


1. Price Isn’t Everything

If your project is key to your business, don’t go for price alone when selecting a partner. Sure, a vendor’s price is important, but it should be much lower on the priority list than their track record of developing high-quality products. The long-term benefits of great software are far more impactful than the initial asking price.

2. Are they big enough to scale, but small enough to care?

An ideal nearshore partner should be large enough to scale and support your business as it grows.

You’ll want to partner with a development team that will act as an extension of your own. That closeness requires partners to gain a deep understanding of your company’s mission, customers, and goals.

3. Do They Follow an Agile Development Model?

Agile breaks software and app development projects into smaller functionalities, or “stories.” Stories are then organized on a central storyboard before the IT team tackles each functionality (one at a time) in order of priority.

Agile’s bite-sized deliverables mean you’ll get to market sooner and start generating profits right away.

Bottom line, if a company isn’t using Agile, your best bet is to keep looking.

4. Remember the Needs of Your Own Teams

Nearshore outsourcing projects companies are there to make life easier for your team by providing skilled professionals as a valuable extension to that team. 

There is often a misunderstanding that outsourced partners are brought on to replace employees with cheaper labor, but the truth is they are all about augmenting and supporting existing teams.

Conclusion – Choosing a Nearshore Development Partner

Nearshoring offers many benefits, this model can reduce overhead costs associated with hiring an in-house management team and minimize issues associated with coordinating resources located in a different location. 

You can access specialized expertise and fill skill gaps whenever the need arises to support an agile development process so you can respond to market demand nimbly without being bogged down by a large in-house team or administrative tasks.

Finding reputable software development teams can be challenging. An outsourced team is a partner, and these relationships require a high level of trust and commitment from everyone involved.

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